
A few people that I love

My Sister Ariaine and I; My Twin Brothers Boris, Micos, and I

My Best Friend Hannah. We've been best friends since first grade.

Nhina and I; Mike and I
Aaron and I; Lauren and I

Lindsey and I; Sarah and I
Derek and I; My cousin Heiden and I

Nicole and I; Kiley and I

This post is a special dedication to people that mean a lot to me.


A Whole Week Late

Sorry that this Halloween blog is late.
Halloween is my favorite almost holiday and I usually celebrate my butt off.
Last year Kassie, Sarah, Mitch and I went to see Paranormal Activity. Then Kassie and Sarah spent the night, but none of us could fall asleep because we all thought that the movie was real and we were so scared.

This year Halloween fell on a Sunday so I celebrated on Saturday and went trick or treating for UNICEF on Sunday. So on Saturday I went to my best friend Hannah's Halloween party at her boyfriend Derek's house. I spent most of the time avoiding my ex boyfriend Ian by trying to steal Derek's new kitty, cleverly named Kitty. Luckily I had other plans so I left the party early and went to watch Paranormal Activity 2 with Kassie, Sarah, Mitch, Carrie, Quincy, Abby, and Brittany. Yay!

These are the two costumes I had to choose from.


I ended up choosing the Goddess.

I only wore this tiara on Saturday.

Shoes I wore.

Alice In Wonderland Pop up

Alice's Pop-up Wonderland

This book begins by telling the story of Alice in Wonderland then the last two pages are very detailed pop-ups. It's really great because the last page of this pop-up book has a game. And it has little characters that you can poke out and play with. I got this at a thrift store for two dollars and it's the best thing I've ever gotten for so cheap.

The Library and The Rabbit's House
The Mad Hatter's Tea Party, The Queen's Garden,
and The Queen's Court.

These awesome pop-ups are what makes this, the pop-up of the week!



This is why I'm going to college.

Image from Google

Its a really weird dream to have, but ever since I could remember I've always wanted to live in the water. I would pretend I was a mermaid living in the coral reef, or that I was a pirate sailing the seven seas. It's pretty weird that I still have this dream since the Loch Ness Monster, the Kraken, and all the Jaws movies have pretty much kept me awake at nights. But none of these creatures could scare me away from the peacefullness of the ocean, or keep me away from the water during family vacations to the Phillippines.
Everybody tells me that I probably wont ever get a yacht, but I'm gonna work my butt off trying.


A Random Sad Day


I was experementing with coloring my eyebrows because I had never done it before. My room has a very different lighting than most other places so to me my eyebrows looked fine with my hair and skin color. When I went to the bathroom I saw my eyebrows and saw that they were jet black! My hair is dark reddish brown. I looked horrible and I had work in 10 mins so I didn't have time to wash it off. Before I went to work my sister told me I looked like a caveman so I was very self concious. My co-workers tried to make me feel better but It didn't work, in fact my mood went down when I was told that I looked as hot as Tila Tequila... great, I look like an asian whore.

A look back at much simpler days:
Summer before high school

Cute Kitties


None of these pictures are from the internet.
I didn't take any of these picture nor do I own any of them.
I just really like kitties.



This is the very first bag I've ever made and it's definitley my favorite. Its the reason for my knitting obsession. It's very small but it's a great purse type bag. I used two very colorfull rolls of yarn and for the body and green for the bottom. I used 8mm needles and just braided the slings. All the yarn that I used was from Wal-Mart, and the needles from Jo Anne Fabrics.

My random photography. It's a part of my wall dedicated to James Dean.


Narnia Pop-ups

The Chronicles of Narnia Pop-ups

This book has a pop-up for each of C.S. Lewis' books. I've taken pictures of some of my favorite pop-up pages.
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
I love this because it's the most ellaborate looking one. It looks very magical and when you open the flap on the right side the white witch appears and the wardrobe opens. Very lovely.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
This one is my favorite, it's the hardest to close but it's the best to look at. Ships are amazing to begin with but to have a pop-up ship just made me cry tears of happiness. On the right side of this page is flap that you open up and Reepicheep, the best Narnia character, pops up.

Because of these two very amazing pop-ups, The Chronicles of Narnia Pop-ups is the pop-ups of the week!

High Fashion Photography

As promised here is a high fashion picture.

Sokolsky Bubble Series

Just a random picture of Audrey Hepburn



Hello everybody. My name is Angelica and this is my first blog. I decided to make a blog after i got hooked on the style rookie's (Tavi's) blog.

Me, Taken by Meyers Photography Studio
Basically its just things I think is cool; knitting, affordable fashion, pop-up pictures, etc. I know that a lot of people are really into high fashion pictures, I am one of those people, and I'll try to put up a cool one from a magazine every week. Photography has never been something I'm good at, I've taken classes but they still end up no where, but I still really enjoy taking pictures. I'll try to put up a picture that I've taken in every blog post. Because I'm not good I don't have a great camera, but I have a 10 megapixel Kodak digital camera that I love and most of my pictures will be taken with that. Enjoy!

My random photography. The Viking Tower and The Runestone parking lot.